all postcodes in W1J / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1J 5HH 5 1 51.507032 -0.146602
W1J 5HJ 2 0 51.506998 -0.146704
W1J 5HL 5 0 51.506973 -0.14685
W1J 5HN 1 1 51.506925 -0.147212
W1J 5HP 2 1 51.506859 -0.148068
W1J 5HQ 4 1 51.507122 -0.146599
W1J 5HR 3 3 51.506803 -0.148571
W1J 5HS 4 4 51.506769 -0.148731
W1J 5HU 6 6 51.506737 -0.148977
W1J 5HX 1 1 51.506769 -0.148731
W1J 5JA 10 10 51.506579 -0.149762
W1J 5JD 1 1 51.508282 -0.145442
W1J 5JF 3 0 51.507059 -0.14819
W1J 5JH 1 0 51.507309 -0.148752
W1J 5JJ 1 1 51.507237 -0.148741
W1J 5JL 1 1 51.507146 -0.148673
W1J 5JN 5 1 51.506964 -0.148536
W1J 5JQ 11 0 51.507293 -0.148321
W1J 5JR 12 0 51.507374 -0.149989
W1J 5JT 4 0 51.507884 -0.149151