all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 1DJ 0 51.508401 -0.150682
W1K 1DL 0 51.508556 -0.149696
W1K 1DN 1 51.508073 -0.152122
W1K 1DP 0 51.507317 -0.15038
W1K 1DR 0 51.507407 -0.150406
W1K 1DW 1 51.50808 -0.151992
W1K 1HA 1 51.506829 -0.150256
W1K 1HF 1 51.50769 -0.150697
W1K 1HG 0 51.507918 -0.150846
W1K 1HH 0 51.508017 -0.150871
W1K 1HJ 0 51.508071 -0.150898
W1K 1HL 0 51.508144 -0.150923
W1K 1HN 1 51.508207 -0.150964
W1K 1HP 0 51.508344 -0.151103
W1K 1HQ 0 51.507963 -0.150859
W1K 1HW 0 51.50828 -0.151033
W1K 1JA 0 51.508288 -0.151537
W1K 1JB 0 51.508242 -0.151467
W1K 1JD 0 51.508188 -0.151484
W1K 1JE 0 51.508107 -0.151458