all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1K postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 2RU 2 51.509824 -0.151389
W1K 2RW 0 51.509881 -0.151026
W1K 2RX 1 51.509736 -0.151507
W1K 2RY 0 51.509621 -0.152204
W1K 2RZ 0 51.509569 -0.152364
W1K 2SB 8 51.50952 -0.152655
W1K 2SD 1 51.509513 -0.15277
W1K 2SE 0 51.50948 -0.152973
W1K 2SF 2 51.509474 -0.153064
W1K 2SG 0 51.509439 -0.153206
W1K 2SH 0 51.509075 -0.153537
W1K 2SJ 0 51.509107 -0.153262
W1K 2SL 0 51.509184 -0.152903
W1K 2SP 1 51.509367 -0.152056
W1K 2SQ 1 51.509356 -0.153641
W1K 2SR 1 51.509465 -0.151321
W1K 2ST 1 51.509462 -0.151259
W1K 2SU 1 51.509543 -0.151256
W1K 2SX 0 51.509506 -0.151185
W1K 2SY 0 51.509559 -0.151154