all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1K postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 3PR 0 51.51134 -0.1449
W1K 3PS 0 51.511392 -0.144811
W1K 3PT 0 51.511436 -0.144708
W1K 3PU 0 51.51147 -0.144606
W1K 3PW 0 51.5112 -0.145165
W1K 3PX 0 51.510994 -0.146355
W1K 3PY 0 51.511121 -0.145817
W1K 3PZ 1 51.511453 -0.145227
W1K 3QA 0 51.51136 -0.146729
W1K 3QB 2 51.511434 -0.146337
W1K 3QD 3 51.511459 -0.146178
W1K 3QQ 1 51.511134 -0.146119
W1K 3QT 3 51.511368 -0.14545
W1K 3QU 1 51.511524 -0.145743
W1K 3RA 0 51.510729 -0.147807
W1K 3RB 0 51.510585 -0.148375
W1K 3RD 0 51.510569 -0.148447
W1K 3RE 0 51.510552 -0.148535
W1K 3RF 0 51.510535 -0.148607
W1K 3RG 0 51.510519 -0.148694