all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1K postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 4QQ 0 51.512015 -0.146631
W1K 4QS 0 51.511672 -0.148287
W1K 4QU 2 51.511598 -0.148582
W1K 4QX 3 51.511601 -0.148813
W1K 4QZ 1 51.512064 -0.146326
W1K 4QY 1 1 51.512163 -0.14576
W1K 4BN 0 51.511472 -0.149726
W1K 4QR 1 51.511816 -0.147719
W1K 4HX 0 51.512312 -0.149544
W1K 4QN 1 51.511876 -0.147389
W1K 4HG 0 51.512927 -0.146291
W1K 4DX 1 51.512254 -0.14687