all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1K postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 5HD 1 51.512803 -0.149759
W1K 5HH 0 51.513929 -0.149954
W1K 5HJ 0 51.513611 -0.149794
W1K 5HL 0 51.513164 -0.149956
W1K 5HN 0 51.513934 -0.150314
W1K 5HQ 0 51.513055 -0.14986
W1K 5HR 1 51.513267 -0.148468
W1K 5HW 0 51.513536 -0.150172
W1K 5HX 0 51.512919 -0.149808
W1K 5JA 4 51.512894 -0.148209
W1K 5JB 1 51.512994 -0.148277
W1K 5JD 0 51.513048 -0.148289
W1K 5JE 1 51.513179 -0.149177
W1K 5JF 7 51.5136 -0.148512
W1K 5JH 7 51.512947 -0.148726
W1K 5JN 3 51.513874 -0.149337
W1K 5JT 0 51.513182 -0.148788
W1K 5LE 1 51.513675 -0.148163
W1K 5LF 1 51.513908 -0.148672
W1K 5LH 1 51.513851 -0.147911