all postcodes in W1S / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1S postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1S 4RL 3 2 51.509483 -0.141776
W1S 4RN 1 1 51.509692 -0.14194
W1S 4RP 1 1 51.508891 -0.141324
W1S 4RR 8 2 51.508552 -0.141947
W1S 4RT 2 0 51.508425 -0.141852
W1S 4RU 2 0 51.508441 -0.141833
W1S 4RX 5 1 51.508675 -0.141304
W1S 4SB 1 1 51.509082 -0.141432
W1S 4SD 1 1 51.509073 -0.141476
W1S 4SF 1 1 51.509021 -0.141564
W1S 4SL 2 2 51.509113 -0.141579
W1S 4SN 1 1 51.509111 -0.141604
W1S 4SP 1 1 51.509077 -0.141692
W1S 4SQ 1 0 51.509189 -0.141413
W1S 4SR 1 0 51.509077 -0.141692
W1S 4SW 1 1 51.509085 -0.141634
W1S 4SX 1 0 51.508913 -0.140401
W1S 4TE 4 3 51.508621 -0.141854
W1S 4TF 4 0 51.508787 -0.140997
W1S 4GB 1 0 51.508348 -0.140525