all postcodes in W1T / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1T postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1T 2PB 1 0 51.519898 -0.133986
W1T 2PD 1 1 51.519872 -0.134031
W1T 2PE 4 1 51.519829 -0.134133
W1T 2PF 4 1 51.51984 -0.134165
W1T 2PG 1 1 51.519795 -0.134279
W1T 2PH 1 0 51.519667 -0.134576
W1T 2PJ 2 2 51.51964 -0.134689
W1T 2PL 3 3 51.519596 -0.134734
W1T 2PN 2 1 51.519552 -0.134793
W1T 2PP 5 1 51.519527 -0.134967
W1T 2PQ 1 1 51.51976 -0.134352
W1T 2PR 5 1 51.519502 -0.13504
W1T 2PS 4 1 51.519475 -0.135085
W1T 2PT 5 0 51.519449 -0.135158
W1T 2PU 5 1 51.519406 -0.135246
W1T 2PX 3 0 51.519389 -0.135304
W1T 2PY 6 3 51.519356 -0.135367
W1T 2QA 4 4 51.520074 -0.134296
W1T 2QB 1 1 51.519996 -0.134487
W1T 2QD 1 1 51.519903 -0.134865