all postcodes in W1T / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1T postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1T 4RZ 10 0 51.519628 -0.137342
W1T 4SB 4 1 51.51946 -0.136271
W1T 4SD 6 1 51.519486 -0.136353
W1T 4SE 5 0 51.519499 -0.136428
W1T 4SG 28 0 51.519627 -0.136736
W1T 4SH 3 0 51.519488 -0.137001
W1T 4SJ 5 1 51.519443 -0.136906
W1T 4SL 1 1 51.519405 -0.136918
W1T 4SN 3 0 51.519369 -0.136891
W1T 4SP 7 1 51.519278 -0.136794
W1T 4SQ 17 0 51.519597 -0.137098
W1T 4SR 2 0 51.519266 -0.136495
W1T 4SW 3 2 51.519323 -0.136849
W1T 4SZ 1 1 51.521572 -0.13572
W1T 4TB 5 2 51.52094 -0.134996
W1T 4TD 1 1 51.521058 -0.135654
W1T 4TE 1 1 51.521572 -0.13572
W1T 4TF 1 1 51.521572 -0.13572
W1T 4TG 1 1 51.521572 -0.13572
W1T 4TH 1 1 51.521981 -0.136035