all postcodes in W1T / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1T 1DT 0 51.518404 -0.132779
W1T 1PE 4 51.51741 -0.135256
W1T 1LG 1 51.518499 -0.135355
W1T 1UY 0 51.516971 -0.131973
W1T 1EB 7 0 51.517075 -0.135013
W1T 1FB 1 1 51.516884 -0.134877
W1T 2AA 14 0 51.517193 -0.135643
W1T 2AE 4 0 51.520667 -0.134791
W1T 2AF 1 0 51.520604 -0.134808
W1T 2AG 13 0 51.520588 -0.134924
W1T 2AH 6 0 51.520492 -0.135144
W1T 2AJ 1 1 51.520379 -0.135394
W1T 2AL 1 0 51.52039 -0.135465
W1T 2AN 3 0 51.520363 -0.13551
W1T 2AQ 1 1 51.520517 -0.135028
W1T 2AR 1 1 51.518793 -0.132922
W1T 2AW 35 0 51.520171 -0.135835
W1T 2NU 8 8 51.520041 -0.136143
W1T 2BB 1 1 51.520248 -0.134477
W1T 2BE 1 1 51.518863 -0.134476