all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 3DA 3 51.518204 -0.151914
W1U 3DB 1 51.518198 -0.152087
W1U 3DD 0 51.518198 -0.152087
W1U 3DE 0 51.518279 -0.152704
W1U 3DG 0 51.518295 -0.153121
W1U 3DL 1 51.518316 -0.153337
W1U 3DN 2 51.518318 -0.153423
W1U 3DP 1 51.517853 -0.15533
W1U 3DQ 0 51.518295 -0.153121
W1U 3DR 0 51.517585 -0.152011
W1U 3DT 0 51.517599 -0.152313
W1U 3DU 0 51.517508 -0.152245
W1U 3DY 1 51.517334 -0.152036
W1U 3DZ 2 51.517393 -0.151788
W1U 3EA 1 51.51633 -0.152249
W1U 3EB 5 51.516385 -0.152305
W1U 3EE 1 51.516184 -0.152126
W1U 3AZ 2 51.516023 -0.152035
W1U 3EH 3 51.516173 -0.152587
W1U 3EJ 2 51.516264 -0.152641