all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 7DR 4 0 51.517859 -0.154004
W1U 7DS 1 1 51.517843 -0.154091
W1U 7DU 4 0 51.51781 -0.154308
W1U 7DW 3 3 51.517843 -0.154091
W1U 7DX 1 1 51.517802 -0.154395
W1U 7DY 2 2 51.517803 -0.154467
W1U 7EA 2 1 51.517761 -0.154613
W1U 7EB 1 1 51.517744 -0.154686
W1U 7ED 1 0 51.517736 -0.154772
W1U 7EJ 1 0 51.518831 -0.155204
W1U 7EL 1 1 51.519031 -0.155311
W1U 7EN 1 1 51.519112 -0.155351
W1U 7EP 1 0 51.519357 -0.155485
W1U 7ER 1 1 51.519374 -0.155989
W1U 7ES 1 1 51.51781 -0.154308
W1U 7EW 1 1 51.519184 -0.155363
W1U 7GB 4 4 51.5192 -0.155809
W1U 7HA 1 0 51.518248 -0.154146
W1U 7HB 1 0 51.518233 -0.154306
W1U 7HD 1 0 51.518233 -0.154306