all postcodes in W4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the W4 postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W4 1JW 36 0 51.49883 -0.260422
W4 1JX 7 0 51.496602 -0.258735
W4 1JY 17 0 51.496168 -0.259132
W4 1JZ 4 0 51.496172 -0.258232
W4 1LA 17 0 51.496465 -0.257991
W4 1LB 14 1 51.496583 -0.257424
W4 1LD 12 4 51.496401 -0.256011
W4 1LZ 10 5 51.496552 -0.255985
W4 1LH 28 0 51.496738 -0.24974
W4 1LJ 34 1 51.496775 -0.251006
W4 1LL 22 0 51.496322 -0.253242
W4 1LR 3 3 51.495182 -0.254525
W4 1LS 12 9 51.495486 -0.255046
W4 1LU 8 0 51.496768 -0.252994
W4 1LW 50 3 51.495921 -0.253488
W4 1LY 1 1 51.49596 -0.252435
W4 1NA 12 0 51.496107 -0.250844
W4 1NB 8 0 51.495769 -0.250468
W4 1ND 29 0 51.495978 -0.250043
W4 1NE 33 0 51.495508 -0.249859