all postcodes in W5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the W5 postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W5 3PL 68 1 51.508773 -0.29877
W5 3PN 23 0 51.510591 -0.296477
W5 3PP 36 0 51.508979 -0.296969
W5 3PQ 8 0 51.509778 -0.298741
W5 3PR 80 1 51.508456 -0.298098
W5 3PS 75 0 51.509339 -0.297575
W5 3PY 8 0 51.507377 -0.290083
W5 3QA 49 0 51.508729 -0.289535
W5 3QB 26 0 51.507067 -0.287934
W5 3QD 23 0 51.506885 -0.288358
W5 3QF 9 0 51.509387 -0.289734
W5 3QG 21 0 51.506705 -0.289604
W5 3QH 14 0 51.507774 -0.290126
W5 3QJ 14 1 51.506178 -0.289249
W5 3QL 24 1 51.506382 -0.29025
W5 3QP 10 10 51.528438 -0.291962
W5 3QS 42 13 51.528933 -0.292029
W5 3RA 6 5 51.529156 -0.291271
W5 3RG 15 0 51.511898 -0.297941
W5 3RH 26 0 51.514399 -0.29057