all postcodes in WA16 / KNUTSFORD

find any address or company within the WA16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WA / Warrington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WA16 8SD 13 0 53.28109 -2.324922
WA16 8SE 4 1 53.283047 -2.318576
WA16 8SF 5 0 53.280968 -2.323406
WA16 8SG 1 0 53.28068 -2.323464
WA16 8SH 4 0 53.277675 -2.321282
WA16 8SJ 8 1 53.275845 -2.326517
WA16 8SL 1 0 53.271077 -2.334292
WA16 8SN 2 0 53.273935 -2.320817
WA16 8SP 2 0 53.275104 -2.307255
WA16 8SQ 5 1 53.27772 -2.324596
WA16 8SR 7 1 53.274117 -2.30359
WA16 8SS 2 0 53.277445 -2.305652
WA16 8ST 4 0 53.277108 -2.293834
WA16 8SU 9 0 53.277262 -2.299877
WA16 8SW 9 0 53.27297 -2.316193
WA16 8SX 1 0 53.278246 -2.30251
WA16 8SY 1 0 53.281794 -2.30321
WA16 8SZ 6 2 53.281049 -2.309202
WA16 8TA 5 2 53.281339 -2.315219
WA16 8TB 1 0 53.278719 -2.310776