all postcodes in WA16 / KNUTSFORD

find any address or company within the WA16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WA / Warrington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WA16 9NB 2 0 53.235373 -2.358763
WA16 9ND 7 0 53.238393 -2.361785
WA16 9NE 2 0 53.241023 -2.366017
WA16 9NF 6 0 53.244352 -2.365613
WA16 9NH 3 0 53.246968 -2.362473
WA16 9NG 7 0 53.24739 -2.347039
WA16 9NQ 4 0 53.24727 -2.354848
WA16 9NJ 3 0 53.247112 -2.365367
WA16 9NL 1 0 53.248128 -2.37098
WA16 9NN 3 0 53.24857 -2.370729
WA16 9NP 2 0 53.248056 -2.37931
WA16 9NR 3 0 53.248736 -2.388865
WA16 9NS 1 1 53.247363 -2.371498
WA16 9NU 2 0 53.24737 -2.359897
WA16 9NW 3 1 53.246022 -2.372071
WA16 9NX 2 1 53.248599 -2.375149
WA16 9PA 5 3 53.287833 -2.364949
WA16 9PB 2 1 53.28608 -2.364228
WA16 9PD 4 1 53.283514 -2.371375
WA16 9PE 2 0 53.281858 -2.363322