all postcodes in WC1B / LONDON

find any address or company within the WC1B postcode district

Postcode Area

WC / Western Central London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WC1B 5AA 3 2 51.520625 -0.122613
WC1B 5AB 1 1 51.520761 -0.122679
WC1B 5AD 1 1 51.520883 -0.122962
WC1B 5AE 21 0 51.520773 -0.122837
WC1B 5AF 2 2 51.52112 -0.123028
WC1B 5AG 4 3 51.521238 -0.123236
WC1B 5AJ 20 0 51.521238 -0.123236
WC1B 5AN 4 4 51.521438 -0.123386
WC1B 5AR 2 1 51.521564 -0.123831
WC1B 5BA 5 3 51.52224 -0.124089
WC1B 5BB 1 1 51.521837 -0.124163
WC1B 5BE 1 1 51.522633 -0.125024
WC1B 5BG 1 1 51.522149 -0.124539
WC1B 5BH 30 2 51.519647 -0.124959
WC1B 5BJ 1 1 51.520259 -0.125554
WC1B 5BL 1 1 51.519444 -0.124636
WC1B 5BP 1 1 51.519869 -0.125916
WC1B 5BW 1 0 51.519222 -0.124285
WC1B 5DA 1 1 51.520721 -0.126947
WC1B 5DU 2 1 51.521137 -0.127467