all postcodes in WC2R / LONDON

find any address or company within the WC2R postcode district

Postcode Area

WC / Western Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WC2R 0PJ 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
WC2R 0PP 25 0 51.510281 -0.123474
WC2R 0PS 2 1 51.509885 -0.123403
WC2R 0PZ 1 0 51.509939 -0.123542
WC2R 0QE 3 2 51.509674 -0.12387
WC2R 0QN 5 5 51.509272 -0.124592
WC2R 0QS 1 1 51.509099 -0.125017
WC2R 0QU 5 3 51.50888 -0.125358
WC2R 0RE 1 1 51.51004 -0.121967
WC2R 0RG 4 4 51.508276 -0.126391
WC2R 0RH 1 1 51.508276 -0.126391
WC2R 0RL 1 1 51.51004 -0.121967
WC2R 0RN 1 1 51.510732 -0.116938
WC2R 0SB 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
WC2R 0SD 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
WC2R 0WF 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
WC2R 0ZA 1 1 51.509867 -0.121718
WC2R 0WY 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
WC2R 0NT 1 0 51.51013 -0.123131
WC2R 0NB 1 1 51.510362 -0.122415