all postcodes in WC2R / LONDON

find any address or company within the WC2R postcode district

Postcode Area

WC / Western Central London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WC2R 0JE 1 0 51.510853 -0.121083
WC2R 0JF 3 2 51.510963 -0.120675
WC2R 0LT 8 7 51.51049 -0.121992
WC2R 0JJ 1 1 51.511092 -0.120886
WC2R 0JR 1 1 51.50976 -0.124169
WC2R 0JS 1 1 51.50976 -0.124169
WC2R 0JT 1 1 51.51013 -0.123131
WC2R 0JU 10 1 51.510262 -0.123514
WC2R 0LR 6 6 51.510706 -0.121464
WC2R 0LP 7 1 51.510522 -0.122239
WC2R 0LQ 2 2 51.510636 -0.121485
WC2R 0LS 2 1 51.510606 -0.121832
WC2R 0LX 1 1 51.510514 -0.122394
WC2R 0NE 6 6 51.510319 -0.12259
WC2R 0NH 1 1 51.510345 -0.122502
WC2R 0NN 1 1 51.51004 -0.121967
WC2R 0NP 15 0 51.510459 -0.122901
WC2R 0NR 5 0 51.510152 -0.122827
WC2R 0NS 1 0 51.510126 -0.122842
WC2R 0PD 2 1 51.509885 -0.123403