all postcodes in WD23 / BUSHEY

find any address or company within the WD23 postcode district

Postcode Area

WD / Watford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WD23 2PT 1 1 51.640496 -0.357905
WD23 2QA 50 0 51.651635 -0.383016
WD23 2QB 7 0 51.651896 -0.381749
WD23 2QE 1 1 51.655494 -0.37727
WD23 2QG 1 1 51.654456 -0.375037
WD23 2QH 1 1 51.647348 -0.37996
WD23 2QL 1 1 51.6471 -0.375661
WD23 2TD 1 1 51.655623 -0.373607
WD23 2TR 3 1 51.658637 -0.366589
WD23 2TS 1 1 51.660207 -0.36698
WD23 2TW 9 0 51.660212 -0.366957
WD23 2TX 1 0 51.658496 -0.367447
WD23 2TY 1 1 51.658482 -0.369038
WD23 2TZ 1 0 51.657895 -0.368856
WD23 2WB 1 1 51.640496 -0.357905
WD23 2ZG 1 1 51.640496 -0.357905
WD23 2ZS 1 1 51.640496 -0.357905
WD23 2NX 0 51.648901 -0.381726
WD23 2NU 0 51.648558 -0.380957
WD23 2PH 0 51.64813 -0.379267