all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 2JQ 0 53.547936 -2.6043
WN2 2JR 0 53.549103 -2.602777
WN2 2JS 0 53.54854 -2.600324
WN2 2JT 0 53.548373 -2.599446
WN2 2JU 0 53.548071 -2.598853
WN2 2JW 0 53.54847 -2.603553
WN2 2LA 0 53.541398 -2.599423
WN2 2LD 0 53.541021 -2.597047
WN2 2LE 4 53.536451 -2.60735
WN2 2LF 0 53.54147 -2.595938
WN2 2LG 0 53.543452 -2.598501
WN2 2LH 0 53.542887 -2.594811
WN2 2LJ 0 53.541531 -2.5944
WN2 2LL 0 53.541835 -2.59291
WN2 2LN 0 53.542121 -2.593307
WN2 2LP 0 53.542458 -2.594322
WN2 2LQ 0 53.541699 -2.595081
WN2 2LR 0 53.543016 -2.594194
WN2 2LS 0 53.544099 -2.593153
WN2 2LT 0 53.544422 -2.593429