all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 3QS 2 53.534545 -2.569045
WN2 3QT 0 53.534927 -2.56988
WN2 3QU 0 53.533701 -2.572685
WN2 3QW 0 53.53433 -2.567051
WN2 3QX 1 53.534543 -2.571324
WN2 3QY 0 53.535353 -2.569177
WN2 3RA 0 53.533779 -2.576865
WN2 3RB 0 53.533381 -2.576904
WN2 3RN 3 53.531617 -2.576112
WN2 3RR 0 53.531435 -2.576592
WN2 3RS 0 53.530674 -2.575873
WN2 3RT 0 53.526923 -2.57466
WN2 3RU 0 53.530428 -2.574678
WN2 3RW 0 53.528896 -2.573691
WN2 3RX 1 53.527464 -2.57423
WN2 3SA 0 53.526992 -2.573319
WN2 3SB 0 53.522878 -2.574575
WN2 3SF 0 53.522121 -2.567476
WN2 3SG 0 53.522605 -2.57338
WN2 3SH 0 53.524262 -2.561426