all postcodes in WN4 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN4 8LJ 0 53.493463 -2.640951
WN4 8LL 0 53.494222 -2.640269
WN4 8LN 0 53.495101 -2.640478
WN4 8LT 0 53.49601 -2.640402
WN4 8LU 1 53.496819 -2.641936
WN4 8LW 0 53.496296 -2.643979
WN4 8LX 0 53.495898 -2.641139
WN4 8PA 0 53.488103 -2.635926
WN4 8PB 2 53.488259 -2.635341
WN4 8PD 2 53.488289 -2.633594
WN4 8PE 0 53.487906 -2.632955
WN4 8PF 4 53.4898 -2.63336
WN4 8PG 1 53.489768 -2.632546
WN4 8PH 0 53.4886 -2.629167
WN4 8PJ 0 53.487959 -2.631373
WN4 8PL 0 53.487728 -2.629185
WN4 8PP 0 53.487858 -2.628312
WN4 8PQ 1 53.488636 -2.632423
WN4 8PR 0 53.488167 -2.629477
WN4 8PS 0 53.487924 -2.627771