all postcodes in WN4 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN4 0RS 15 0 53.490534 -2.668609
WN4 0RT 8 0 53.490108 -2.66916
WN4 0RU 15 0 53.489454 -2.670371
WN4 0RW 52 0 53.490683 -2.6692
WN4 0RX 21 1 53.489522 -2.669498
WN4 0RY 20 0 53.492711 -2.665071
WN4 0SA 33 4 53.489009 -2.67276
WN4 0SB 26 0 53.489602 -2.672845
WN4 0SD 3 53.489472 -2.675284
WN4 0SE 0 53.490339 -2.674424
WN4 0SF 3 53.491335 -2.673159
WN4 0SG 0 53.491602 -2.675228
WN4 0SH 0 53.491818 -2.673604
WN4 0SJ 0 53.492605 -2.672697
WN4 0SL 0 53.490002 -2.673756
WN4 0SN 0 53.492825 -2.675232
WN4 0SP 0 53.493835 -2.672972
WN4 0SQ 0 53.492651 -2.674174
WN4 0SR 0 53.493196 -2.671606
WN4 0SS 0 53.49236 -2.671592