all postcodes in WN5 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN5 8JB 0 53.535311 -2.688341
WN5 8JD 0 53.535581 -2.686731
WN5 8JE 0 53.534022 -2.687354
WN5 8JF 0 53.534495 -2.687513
WN5 8JG 1 53.53471 -2.68649
WN5 8JH 0 53.534867 -2.685829
WN5 8JN 0 53.535437 -2.68522
WN5 8JP 2 53.535992 -2.683976
WN5 8JQ 0 53.532029 -2.691124
WN5 8JR 1 53.53521 -2.685155
WN5 8JS 0 53.53495 -2.685408
WN5 8JT 0 53.534075 -2.684353
WN5 8JU 0 53.533395 -2.685368
WN5 8JW 10 53.536182 -2.685247
WN5 8JX 0 53.533781 -2.685495
WN5 8JY 0 53.532939 -2.681905
WN5 8JZ 0 53.533786 -2.683035
WN5 8LB 0 53.534211 -2.685833
WN5 8LP 0 53.538377 -2.698983
WN5 8LR 0 53.537097 -2.698132