all postcodes in WN5 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN5 9BZ 10 0 53.536915 -2.657149
WN5 9DA 49 5 53.537116 -2.659943
WN5 9DB 11 0 53.536826 -2.658747
WN5 9DD 47 0 53.536543 -2.663857
WN5 9DE 2 0 53.536567 -2.662711
WN5 9DF 19 3 53.535389 -2.666661
WN5 9DG 22 2 53.5355 -2.669257
WN5 9DH 29 2 53.535626 -2.667057
WN5 9DJ 2 0 53.535765 -2.668039
WN5 9DL 33 3 53.537108 -2.663036
WN5 9DN 66 14 53.537561 -2.659105
WN5 9DP 46 3 53.538517 -2.655272
WN5 9DQ 1 1 53.536176 -2.665692
WN5 9DR 17 0 53.538676 -2.655697
WN5 9DS 16 1 53.539666 -2.655456
WN5 9DU 72 0 53.538979 -2.657784
WN5 9DX 51 0 53.539352 -2.657111
WN5 9EA 32 13 53.539962 -2.652412
WN5 9EB 2 2 53.539535 -2.652481
WN5 9ED 48 6 53.53823 -2.655132