all postcodes in WN6 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN6 8DG 22 0 53.573531 -2.681819
WN6 8DH 26 0 53.572314 -2.682539
WN6 8DJ 17 0 53.572849 -2.683212
WN6 8DL 42 1 53.573322 -2.683839
WN6 8DN 13 0 53.578275 -2.713053
WN6 8DP 19 0 53.577933 -2.714618
WN6 8DQ 22 0 53.572939 -2.681718
WN6 8DR 13 0 53.578035 -2.714076
WN6 8DS 17 0 53.576686 -2.71425
WN6 8DT 20 0 53.575871 -2.713737
WN6 8DU 17 0 53.577298 -2.715513
WN6 8DW 13 0 53.576964 -2.714375
WN6 8DX 42 0 53.573772 -2.711497
WN6 8DY 16 0 53.573031 -2.710624
WN6 8DZ 20 0 53.574115 -2.712666
WN6 8EA 24 12 53.572711 -2.693131
WN6 8EB 47 3 53.57213 -2.695674
WN6 8ED 23 0 53.572468 -2.696344
WN6 8EE 21 0 53.571492 -2.695709
WN6 8EF 18 0 53.5711 -2.696548