all postcodes in WN6 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN6 0BA 39 0 53.581503 -2.657855
WN6 0BB 13 0 53.583155 -2.65989
WN6 0BD 16 0 53.5836 -2.659127
WN6 0BE 32 0 53.581974 -2.657243
WN6 0BF 19 0 53.578 -2.640946
WN6 0BG 10 1 53.583629 -2.658719
WN6 0BH 43 0 53.576817 -2.643556
WN6 0BJ 8 0 53.575145 -2.643712
WN6 0BL 7 0 53.576191 -2.643108
WN6 0BN 22 0 53.577024 -2.641898
WN6 0BP 16 0 53.577446 -2.643686
WN6 0BQ 9 0 53.578724 -2.652691
WN6 0BS 12 0 53.577249 -2.645133
WN6 0BT 7 0 53.576435 -2.644486
WN6 0BU 5 0 53.575603 -2.641497
WN6 0BW 13 0 53.576193 -2.640964
WN6 0BX 10 0 53.579499 -2.647931
WN6 0BY 11 0 53.57995 -2.646035
WN6 0BZ 9 0 53.579426 -2.646495
WN6 0DA 69 1 53.585214 -2.659801