all postcodes in WN7 / LEIGH

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN7 4EH 1 53.497286 -2.530333
WN7 4EL 2 53.497573 -2.530366
WN7 4EN 0 53.495668 -2.522127
WN7 4EP 0 53.497758 -2.529313
WN7 4EQ 3 53.497688 -2.526871
WN7 4ER 1 53.497891 -2.529647
WN7 4ES 0 53.497823 -2.530822
WN7 4ET 0 53.49663 -2.530294
WN7 4EW 0 53.496688 -2.52927
WN7 4HA 5 53.490994 -2.521662
WN7 4HB 6 53.492014 -2.519143
WN7 4HE 0 53.491411 -2.519362
WN7 4HN 7 53.49026 -2.521458
WN7 4HG 2 53.490828 -2.522609
WN7 4HH 0 53.490918 -2.518964
WN7 4HJ 1 53.491021 -2.519642
WN7 4HL 1 53.490957 -2.520381
WN7 4HP 0 53.490026 -2.523535
WN7 4HR 0 53.490131 -2.52432
WN7 4HS 0 53.490691 -2.523528