all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 0DY 12 0 53.539547 -2.728804
WN8 0DZ 16 0 53.538908 -2.730362
WN8 0EF 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 0EN 49 10 53.543174 -2.726573
WN8 0EP 77 0 53.545395 -2.729342
WN8 0ER 56 0 53.545899 -2.727842
WN8 0EW 33 0 53.546273 -2.726943
WN8 0HA 10 0 53.544996 -2.725638
WN8 0HB 48 0 53.542984 -2.725377
WN8 0HD 8 0 53.542523 -2.724313
WN8 0HE 25 0 53.541686 -2.724374
WN8 0HF 11 0 53.541971 -2.726311
WN8 0HG 2 0 53.542271 -2.726994
WN8 0HH 13 1 53.542926 -2.728892
WN8 0HJ 37 0 53.544392 -2.733279
WN8 0HL 13 0 53.5434 -2.727889
WN8 0HN 8 0 53.542884 -2.728394
WN8 0HP 50 0 53.543488 -2.735497
WN8 0HR 32 0 53.541558 -2.735101
WN8 0HS 38 0 53.541972 -2.736421