all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 7PJ 13 0 53.590359 -2.774639
WN8 7PQ 12 0 53.589582 -2.773839
WN8 7RA 17 0 53.576768 -2.767639
WN8 7RB 9 2 53.579913 -2.763694
WN8 7RD 6 0 53.578192 -2.74862
WN8 7RE 9 1 53.575511 -2.733077
WN8 7RF 1 0 53.571463 -2.730667
WN8 7RH 3 0 53.577136 -2.764912
WN8 7RJ 17 0 53.574403 -2.763594
WN8 7RP 21 1 53.571728 -2.764452
WN8 7RR 7 1 53.564951 -2.75743
WN8 7RS 17 1 53.565798 -2.749986
WN8 7RT 9 0 53.570306 -2.740538
WN8 7RU 8 3 53.558584 -2.749255
WN8 7RX 5 0 53.560024 -2.741535
WN8 7RY 7 2 53.562232 -2.740925
WN8 7RZ 6 0 53.553129 -2.743453
WN8 7SD 10 0 53.568414 -2.773845
WN8 7SE 2 0 53.569605 -2.779831
WN8 7SF 5 2 53.579591 -2.786705