all postcodes in WR1 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR1 1HL 0 52.19816 -2.223645
WR1 1HP 1 52.200693 -2.224828
WR1 1HR 0 52.199058 -2.223781
WR1 1HS 0 52.201034 -2.22483
WR1 1HT 6 52.201702 -2.225297
WR1 1HU 9 52.202807 -2.225976
WR1 1HX 3 52.203411 -2.225321
WR1 1JA 8 52.204801 -2.226849
WR1 1JB 0 52.205239 -2.226154
WR1 1JD 0 52.200109 -2.22462
WR1 1JE 1 52.205391 -2.22674
WR1 1JL 17 52.198518 -2.224452
WR1 1JT 20 52.197507 -2.223769
WR1 1JY 5 52.199497 -2.22472
WR1 1JZ 18 52.200606 -2.225277
WR1 1LH 11 52.195775 -2.220078
WR1 1LJ 1 52.196671 -2.216951
WR1 1LL 0 52.196252 -2.219612
WR1 1LN 3 52.196461 -2.220326
WR1 1LR 1 52.196924 -2.220742