all postcodes in WR10 / PERSHORE

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR10 1EX 1 1 52.112878 -2.075663
WR10 1EY 8 4 52.112501 -2.074771
WR10 1EZ 33 1 52.118112 -2.074562
WR10 1HA 23 0 52.116606 -2.076538
WR10 1HB 5 0 52.113927 -2.080089
WR10 1HD 12 1 52.108822 -2.087184
WR10 1HF 25 0 52.113635 -2.08179
WR10 1HG 7 0 52.114032 -2.081061
WR10 1HH 8 5 52.112837 -2.084118
WR10 1HJ 45 0 52.113329 -2.082549
WR10 1HL 34 0 52.112896 -2.085381
WR10 1HN 4 0 52.11206 -2.084679
WR10 1HP 23 0 52.113511 -2.092523
WR10 1HQ 21 0 52.114434 -2.0835
WR10 1HR 36 1 52.108641 -2.087695
WR10 1HS 29 0 52.10972 -2.087711
WR10 1HU 17 0 52.105303 -2.079147
WR10 1HW 45 0 52.112597 -2.087746
WR10 1HX 49 0 52.106096 -2.088858
WR10 1HY 31 0 52.105935 -2.075279