all postcodes in WR11 / BROADWAY

find any address or company within the WR11 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR11 1JL 8 0 52.084332 -1.943229
WR11 1JP 1 1 52.086636 -1.947882
WR11 1JQ 16 0 52.08337 -1.942836
WR11 1JR 1 0 52.086259 -1.948685
WR11 1JS 1 0 52.087076 -1.947327
WR11 1JT 1 1 52.08627 -1.948676
WR11 1JU 3 0 52.086718 -1.94937
WR11 1JX 48 0 52.085686 -1.949742
WR11 1JY 20 0 52.085306 -1.948686
WR11 1JZ 4 0 52.086053 -1.950714
WR11 1LA 19 2 52.084965 -1.950744
WR11 1LD 4 0 52.083419 -1.950556
WR11 1LE 1 1 52.082899 -1.950519
WR11 1LP 1 1 52.081991 -1.950009
WR11 1LS 1 1 52.075625 -1.934252
WR11 1TN 20 0 52.083218 -1.928477
WR11 1UY 7 0 52.081172 -1.933646
WR11 1UZ 23 0 52.081756 -1.93382
WR11 1WY 9 0 52.089813 -1.937048
WR11 1XE 11 0 52.079193 -1.932948