all postcodes in WR2 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR2 4EP 44 3 52.186522 -2.23934
WR2 4EQ 16 0 52.172642 -2.244423
WR2 4ER 2 0 52.186028 -2.240971
WR2 4ES 10 0 52.185566 -2.241017
WR2 4ET 23 0 52.185854 -2.242389
WR2 4EU 6 4 52.18629 -2.242951
WR2 4EW 26 2 52.186457 -2.237419
WR2 4EX 29 0 52.185154 -2.244715
WR2 4EZ 7 2 52.181923 -2.246204
WR2 4HA 23 0 52.184094 -2.243993
WR2 4HB 7 0 52.183385 -2.243374
WR2 4HD 7 0 52.183591 -2.243814
WR2 4HE 52 0 52.184626 -2.240774
WR2 4HF 6 1 52.185666 -2.24014
WR2 4HG 13 0 52.185849 -2.240576
WR2 4HH 8 0 52.183548 -2.24279
WR2 4HJ 13 0 52.182593 -2.243765
WR2 4HN 17 0 52.174877 -2.236338
WR2 4HP 14 0 52.185852 -2.237142
WR2 4HQ 2 1 52.186158 -2.238676