all postcodes in WR4 / WORCESTER

find any address or company within the WR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR4 9NB 4 52.196491 -2.211962
WR4 9ND 15 52.217558 -2.189126
WR4 9NE 7 52.21585 -2.189045
WR4 9NF 1 52.216224 -2.185768
WR4 9NG 0 52.201196 -2.189012
WR4 9NH 0 52.202377 -2.187159
WR4 9NJ 0 52.210808 -2.194102
WR4 9NL 0 52.205799 -2.18331
WR4 9NN 0 52.206947 -2.18151
WR4 9NP 0 52.207537 -2.181854
WR4 9NQ 0 52.203371 -2.185988
WR4 9NR 0 52.208427 -2.18177
WR4 9NS 0 52.208671 -2.183186
WR4 9NT 0 52.207805 -2.18247
WR4 9NU 0 52.208243 -2.184315
WR4 9NW 0 52.207178 -2.180989
WR4 9NX 2 52.20897 -2.184787
WR4 9NY 0 52.208627 -2.186088
WR4 9NZ 0 52.208887 -2.186206
WR4 9PA 11 52.2101 -2.186957