all postcodes in WR4 / WORCESTER

find any address or company within the WR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR4 9LE 0 52.211625 -2.189144
WR4 9LF 0 52.212081 -2.190259
WR4 9LG 0 52.211532 -2.190754
WR4 9LH 0 52.211566 -2.191852
WR4 9LJ 0 52.210354 -2.191217
WR4 9LL 0 52.209896 -2.190849
WR4 9LN 0 52.210163 -2.192694
WR4 9LP 0 52.211473 -2.194207
WR4 9LQ 0 52.211 -2.191586
WR4 9LR 0 52.212302 -2.192894
WR4 9LS 1 52.2136 -2.191011
WR4 9LT 0 52.213197 -2.189546
WR4 9LU 0 52.212988 -2.188018
WR4 9LW 0 52.21046 -2.192418
WR4 9LX 0 52.211528 -2.18749
WR4 9LY 0 52.210171 -2.18747
WR4 9LZ 0 52.214034 -2.189345
WR4 9NA 0 52.213915 -2.190281
WR4 9NB 4 52.196491 -2.211962
WR4 9ND 15 52.217558 -2.189126