all postcodes in WR5 / WORCESTER

find any address or company within the WR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR5 3RZ 5 0 52.167421 -2.214177
WR5 3SA 25 1 52.135496 -2.214126
WR5 3SB 9 0 52.135246 -2.213248
WR5 3SD 9 0 52.135504 -2.214535
WR5 3SE 4 0 52.134923 -2.213899
WR5 3SF 20 0 52.172218 -2.205997
WR5 3SG 12 0 52.169577 -2.211332
WR5 3SH 9 0 52.168941 -2.203774
WR5 3SJ 10 0 52.167742 -2.210655
WR5 3SL 11 0 52.169156 -2.209419
WR5 3SN 11 0 52.168684 -2.211552
WR5 3SP 22 0 52.165698 -2.212268
WR5 3SQ 13 0 52.16982 -2.204743
WR5 3SR 23 0 52.165647 -2.210675
WR5 3SS 22 0 52.165133 -2.211637
WR5 3ST 13 0 52.165941 -2.212445
WR5 3SU 27 0 52.164941 -2.2132
WR5 3SW 1 1 52.171124 -2.204852
WR5 3SX 8 0 52.169484 -2.206613
WR5 3SY 9 0 52.170077 -2.207099