all postcodes in WR6 / WORCESTER

find any address or company within the WR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR6 6DS 6 0 52.233493 -2.407996
WR6 6DT 4 0 52.228816 -2.40053
WR6 6DU 5 0 52.239454 -2.378117
WR6 6DW 10 0 52.251718 -2.42287
WR6 6DX 13 0 52.243751 -2.39734
WR6 6DY 3 0 52.245097 -2.409608
WR6 6DZ 2 1 52.248826 -2.412718
WR6 6EA 13 0 52.253469 -2.423341
WR6 6EB 17 0 52.252643 -2.422981
WR6 6EF 17 0 52.233111 -2.424553
WR6 6EE 7 0 52.246049 -2.424193
WR6 6EG 1 0 52.226938 -2.429513
WR6 6EH 3 0 52.239943 -2.433109
WR6 6EN 32 4 52.253151 -2.421844
WR6 6EP 7 0 52.269026 -2.434861
WR6 6ED 9 0 52.270023 -2.437362
WR6 6EQ 1 0 52.231949 -2.432419
WR6 6ER 6 0 52.272117 -2.435316
WR6 6ES 10 2 52.272592 -2.439157
WR6 6ET 12 0 52.273299 -2.438977