all postcodes in WR8 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
WR8 0HB752.063809-2.217613
WR8 0HD152.063682-2.217779
WR8 0HF152.064591-2.217244
WR8 0HG1052.064485-2.216785
WR8 0HH052.063765-2.216825
WR8 0HJ752.063602-2.21721
WR8 0HN1552.062343-2.217956
WR8 0HP452.063321-2.218536
WR8 0HZ052.064252-2.216244
WR8 0HQ252.064098-2.217089
WR8 0HR852.063545-2.218595
WR8 0HT252.064177-2.218052
WR8 0HU252.065457-2.220545
WR8 0HW752.062027-2.218363
WR8 0HX052.064482-2.218097
WR8 0HY152.064717-2.217763
WR8 0JD152.063974-2.215126
WR8 0JE052.063201-2.215282
WR8 0JF052.060688-2.217546
WR8 0JG052.061237-2.217359