all postcodes in WR9 / DROITWICH

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR9 8QT 1 52.266988 -2.151281
WR9 8QU 5 52.267426 -2.153173
WR9 8QW 0 52.272763 -2.141321
WR9 8QX 5 52.267394 -2.153825
WR9 8QY 0 52.258843 -2.157758
WR9 8QZ 5 52.267119 -2.154564
WR9 8RA 0 52.249877 -2.153054
WR9 8RB 0 52.248978 -2.152787
WR9 8RD 1 52.266877 -2.153493
WR9 8RE 0 52.266384 -2.152891
WR9 8RF 0 52.266272 -2.155587
WR9 8RG 0 52.264369 -2.15369
WR9 8RH 0 52.263854 -2.155183
WR9 8RJ 0 52.261712 -2.157065
WR9 8RL 0 52.262621 -2.156409
WR9 8RN 0 52.26167 -2.155029
WR9 8RP 0 52.262982 -2.155385
WR9 8RQ 0 52.262583 -2.157874
WR9 8RR 0 52.263084 -2.152938
WR9 8RS 0 52.263921 -2.152282