all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 2DJ 13 0 52.584447 -1.96542
WS1 2DL 47 1 52.582721 -1.966322
WS1 2DP 50 0 52.582352 -1.965215
WS1 2DQ 16 0 52.582522 -1.962574
WS1 2DR 25 2 52.58094 -1.964833
WS1 2DS 16 0 52.581696 -1.966013
WS1 2DT 14 2 52.582551 -1.968713
WS1 2DU 1 1 52.582164 -1.967208
WS1 2DW 21 1 52.583512 -1.964905
WS1 2DX 46 0 52.583288 -1.967768
WS1 2DY 34 2 52.583503 -1.968093
WS1 2DZ 7 1 52.584619 -1.969376
WS1 2EA 18 0 52.584987 -1.970173
WS1 2EB 1 1 52.584241 -1.96852
WS1 2EE 12 0 52.579852 -1.963919
WS1 2EF 1 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS1 2EG 7 1 52.584278 -1.975427
WS1 2EH 3 1 52.583487 -1.975044
WS1 2EJ 1 1 52.58293 -1.974203
WS1 2EL 1 1 52.582237 -1.974528