all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 3NQ 5 5 52.581212 -1.981991
WS1 3NR 51 13 52.579713 -1.981525
WS1 3NU 5 0 52.57938 -1.982425
WS1 3NX 69 3 52.579192 -1.984122
WS1 3NY 18 0 52.579839 -1.984668
WS1 3PD 15 3 52.578886 -1.98185
WS1 3PE 34 1 52.578949 -1.982705
WS1 3PF 5 2 52.578137 -1.982199
WS1 3PH 15 1 52.577699 -1.982957
WS1 3PJ 39 0 52.578409 -1.984521
WS1 3PL 28 1 52.578185 -1.98458
WS1 3PP 31 0 52.577807 -1.986395
WS1 3PR 11 1 52.577609 -1.985274
WS1 3PS 37 3 52.577564 -1.983326
WS1 3PW 8 0 52.57778 -1.984757
WS1 3QA 32 17 52.581385 -1.984313
WS1 3QB 5 5 52.582302 -1.985774
WS1 3QD 30 18 52.581365 -1.984883
WS1 3QE 1 1 52.579983 -1.9879
WS1 3QN 52 0 52.579432 -1.988072