all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 4AA 29 0 52.570067 -1.987888
WS1 4AB 35 1 52.570454 -1.986309
WS1 4AE 33 0 52.570598 -1.987415
WS1 4AF 45 1 52.571443 -1.986633
WS1 4AH 15 1 52.572088 -1.987528
WS1 4AL 4 0 52.572888 -1.986303
WS1 4AN 27 1 52.572645 -1.984473
WS1 4AP 34 0 52.573366 -1.9856
WS1 4AQ 38 0 52.57165 -1.988123
WS1 4AR 32 0 52.573573 -1.985231
WS1 4AS 19 0 52.573168 -1.983829
WS1 4AT 45 0 52.5736 -1.982885
WS1 4AU 20 0 52.57306 -1.981247
WS1 4AW 9 0 52.573096 -1.984375
WS1 4AX 24 0 52.572809 -1.982619
WS1 4AY 64 0 52.571433 -1.983122
WS1 4AZ 51 0 52.569401 -1.982355
WS1 4BA 35 0 52.568961 -1.981721
WS1 4BB 29 0 52.570013 -1.981366
WS1 4BD 30 0 52.57119 -1.981587