all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 4DQ 38 0 52.573825 -1.992151
WS1 4DR 39 1 52.569438 -1.988109
WS1 4DS 35 0 52.57073 -1.989284
WS1 4DT 41 0 52.567154 -1.986516
WS1 4DU 42 0 52.567145 -1.985911
WS1 4DW 23 0 52.568656 -1.989231
WS1 4DX 70 3 52.566983 -1.98364
WS1 4DY 38 1 52.568152 -1.984864
WS1 4DZ 39 0 52.568593 -1.985291
WS1 4EA 10 0 52.568305 -1.981633
WS1 4EB 10 1 52.567918 -1.981957
WS1 4ED 54 0 52.566929 -1.981486
WS1 4EE 37 0 52.56977 -1.980865
WS1 4EF 42 2 52.56974 -1.980372
WS1 4EH 12 0 52.570606 -1.981602
WS1 4EJ 36 1 52.572404 -1.979978
WS1 4EQ 56 1 52.571891 -1.979949
WS1 4EW 27 0 52.576019 -1.988329
WS1 4EZ 6 1 52.577376 -1.985702
WS1 4HD 18 0 52.577547 -1.986676