all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 0BQ 37 0 52.549661 -2.010132
WS10 0BS 35 0 52.548285 -2.009734
WS10 0BT 45 0 52.548123 -2.013804
WS10 0BU 5 5 52.548464 -2.017771
WS10 0BW 39 0 52.549328 -2.013214
WS10 0BY 28 0 52.549858 -2.014557
WS10 0BZ 35 0 52.55028 -2.015102
WS10 0DB 48 2 52.551773 -2.012492
WS10 0DF 60 1 52.551512 -2.009454
WS10 0DG 44 0 52.550901 -2.006844
WS10 0DH 33 4 52.549121 -2.007389
WS10 0DJ 47 0 52.550245 -2.006283
WS10 0DL 12 0 52.549724 -2.005561
WS10 0DN 29 0 52.550245 -2.004661
WS10 0DP 18 0 52.549391 -2.005162
WS10 0DQ 50 0 52.551243 -2.00733
WS10 0DR 7 2 52.548232 -2.00357
WS10 0DW 1 0 52.550003 -2.003791
WS10 0DX 33 4 52.556266 -2.001131
WS10 0DY 28 3 52.554908 -1.998078