all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 9AA 1 52.552024 -2.016696
WS10 9AB 0 52.551557 -2.017315
WS10 9AD 9 52.552599 -2.017522
WS10 9AE 1 52.553013 -2.015546
WS10 9AF 0 52.552618 -2.015693
WS10 9AG 2 52.552339 -2.015781
WS10 9AH 0 52.553004 -2.014543
WS10 9AJ 0 52.552834 -2.01295
WS10 9AL 0 52.551719 -2.014882
WS10 9AN 0 52.551449 -2.014926
WS10 9AP 0 52.551161 -2.016415
WS10 9AQ 0 52.552366 -2.014144
WS10 9AR 1 52.551269 -2.018126
WS10 9AS 0 52.553334 -2.014361
WS10 9AT 0 52.553364 -2.016033
WS10 9AU 0 52.559478 -2.007937
WS10 9AW 0 52.551347 -2.016469
WS10 9AX 2 52.558219 -2.009942
WS10 9AY 1 52.556816 -2.01186
WS10 9AZ 0 52.556933 -2.012479