all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 9DH 0 52.555818 -2.018644
WS10 9DJ 2 52.556456 -2.017922
WS10 9DL 1 52.556896 -2.018836
WS10 9DN 0 52.557193 -2.016624
WS10 9DP 0 52.557059 -2.015105
WS10 9DQ 0 52.555314 -2.01885
WS10 9DR 0 52.556393 -2.014514
WS10 9DS 0 52.558353 -2.012775
WS10 9DT 0 52.558713 -2.014633
WS10 9DU 0 52.557823 -2.015105
WS10 9DW 2 52.557571 -2.012745
WS10 9DX 0 52.557778 -2.01655
WS10 9DY 0 52.559349 -2.015292
WS10 9DZ 0 52.55775 -2.017966
WS10 9EA 0 52.559036 -2.017185
WS10 9EB 0 52.557292 -2.01866
WS10 9ED 1 52.556752 -2.022081
WS10 9EE 0 52.556383 -2.022671
WS10 9EF 0 52.559656 -2.016831
WS10 9EG 0 52.554891 -2.019263