all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

find any address or company within the WS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 0LL 64 0 52.552186 -1.981565
WS10 0LN 31 0 52.551161 -1.982849
WS10 0LP 14 0 52.551394 -1.979914
WS10 0LQ 16 0 52.553246 -1.9795
WS10 0LR 8 0 52.552564 -1.984456
WS10 0LW 44 0 52.551098 -1.981094
WS10 0LX 60 0 52.553022 -1.985945
WS10 0LY 47 0 52.553472 -1.989544
WS10 0NN 9 6 52.544859 -2.016693
WS10 0NP 13 10 52.544884 -2.015434
WS10 0NQ 8 6 52.545965 -2.016944
WS10 0NS 2 2 52.543841 -2.01713
WS10 0NT 17 13 52.542698 -2.022423
WS10 0NU 1 1 52.543493 -2.017533
WS10 0PA 7 5 52.545243 -2.017425
WS10 0PB 1 1 52.54626 -2.024126
WS10 0PD 6 5 52.546402 -2.023074
WS10 0PH 19 0 52.559828 -2.002479
WS10 0PJ 6 0 52.559748 -2.003202
WS10 0PL 16 1 52.559343 -2.003202