all postcodes in WS13 / LICHFIELD

find any address or company within the WS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS13 6BG 0 52.694608 -1.813637
WS13 6BH 0 52.69633 -1.815915
WS13 6BJ 0 52.695224 -1.815712
WS13 6BL 0 52.695371 -1.817606
WS13 6BN 0 52.68604 -1.824168
WS13 6BP 1 52.686848 -1.823085
WS13 6BQ 0 52.694979 -1.814456
WS13 6BS 0 52.688505 -1.813655
WS13 6BT 0 52.689561 -1.816706
WS13 6BU 0 52.689446 -1.817364
WS13 6BW 0 52.690274 -1.818248
WS13 6BX 1 52.691366 -1.815033
WS13 6BY 0 52.692142 -1.816598
WS13 6BZ 0 52.689927 -1.814152
WS13 6DA 0 52.689299 -1.815205
WS13 6DB 0 52.691183 -1.812829
WS13 6DD 0 52.690608 -1.813128
WS13 6DE 2 52.689455 -1.812386
WS13 6DF 0 52.688071 -1.811955
WS13 6DG 0 52.688972 -1.813076